Sunday, May 15, 2022

A clean sweep

For years we have been using a tow behind sweeper to pick up the divots on the practice tee each morning.  Even when we purchased what were labeled as commercial "heavy duty" models, the life expectancy of these sweepers was pretty much one year--they definitely weren't designed for the use we gave them.

This year we made a change and acquired a new sweeper that our Equipment Technician, Don Robel, had found and researched.  Thus far, this piece of equipment looks like it was a great investment.  

The sweeping process is now quick and efficient, having only to make one pass over an area, and the machine's rotating brush doesn't even touch the turf, but creates something of a vacuum action as it picks up divots and tees.  Another benefit is the increased efficiency we are seeing by being able to make a single trip to the tee in the morning.  Previously it took multiple trips back and forth to sweep and patch the tee, however we now load the tow vehicle with divot mix and tools to complete the patching after sweeping.

So, yes, while a sweeper isn't something that even turf nerds would often get excited about, this new machine has been a game-changer for us.  With the short game area opening in two weeks, there will certainly be an additional divot or two to sweep up in the morning, and we are now well-equipped to get it done.

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