Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bridging the gap

For a while, it felt like we'd have a better chance of getting a hole in one, than finding the unlikely combination required to finish the PEM matting down the center of the Clubhouse bridge:  A warm day with little cart traffic.  

Eventually our patience paid off, and the team was able to take advantage of a break in the action, quickly getting this "winter project" completed. 

Given the durability of both the matting and decking, we shouldn't need to be working on this again for quite some time.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Greens Aerification!

It's early May, and that can mean only one thing: Time for greens aerification.  

Just kidding.  The reality is that now is when members can reap the benefits of last year's late season aerification and covering of the greens during the winter.  

This week of May is when we have traditionally aerified the greens each spring--which is always followed by a few weeks of "less than" putting conditions.  You won't be experiencing that this year.

This is the second part of the payback for covered greens during the off-season.  The first "non-aerifying" of the greens took place last August, when we were able to maintain great uninterrupted putting conditions straight through the fall.