Sunday, September 15, 2024

An Early Haircut

The summer of 2024 had some rollercoaster weather patterns, with plenty of heat, and all or nothing rainfall patterns.  One of the consequences of this was early turf dormancy, as well as a tremendous amount of weed growth in the Fescue areas.

While we tried to beat back the weed pressure, these areas have had some pretty inconsistent playing conditions throughout the season.  At this point, the best option is to cut them down a bit earlier than we have done in the past.  This will help to achieve the goals of having these areas be penal, while also allowing a player's ball to be found (more often than not), and be advanced.  The mowing definitely creates a more uniform surface.

With 40 acres of native areas to mow, this process is never quick.  However, this year, due to delays in getting a new trim mower for cutting tee and green surrounds, our Ventrac tractor is being asked to do double duty.  The machine is mowing the close cut turf a couple of days each week, then switching attachments for mowing the Fescue.  It will definitely take a while for us to get all of the native areas mown down.

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