Sunday, September 11, 2022

Over the hump?

 For turf managers in our region, August 15 has traditionally been thought of as a turning point in the year--if you made it to that date without major turf loss, you should be in good shape.  However, in recent years, more and more people say the date has now shifted to September 15 before we can exhale and take a long, deep breath.

Certainly this summer's persistent hot weather, and reliance on irrigation (instead of rainfall) were not conducive to producing firm, fast playing conditions.  While most of us focus on daytime high temperatures, for plants (which can't escape to the comfort of an air conditioned environment at night) the low temps are quite meaningful.

Seeing a "5" early on Saturday morning and feeling the need to grab a light jacket felt amazing. 

 As the Sun rose, looking back towards #12 tee, a whole lot of happier grass plants were on full display.

So will we truly relax now?  Well, that might be an option, but no, this cooler weather just provides us with an opportunity to achieve better playing conditions by once again putting the pedal to the metal. 

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