Sunday, February 16, 2020

Rain, rain, go away...

If you feel like it's rained a lot this winter, you are (partly) correct.  That is, we had measurable precipitation on 21 of the first 44 days of the year.

However, the total rainfall amount has not been that high.  Despite having 11 days of rainfall in January, we actually finished the month below average in total precipitation.  So, it may be more accurate to refer to this pattern as frequent rain, and not a lot of rain.

Whatever you call it, it's been enough water to keep the course saturated.  Obviously, the drying we get at this time of year is only a fraction of what we experience during the summer, so a little rain goes a long way.

The other weather issue we've been dealing with are the warm temperatures.  We actually cut the greens twice in January, and every day from February 1-February 13 had a high temperature above average.  Drainage work is typically best done by us in the winter, but wet and warm is not the combination we need to for trenching on soft areas of the golf course.

Despite the current weather issues, we keep reminding ourselves of one thing:  At least it wasn't snow...

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