Sunday, August 11, 2019

Damp Sand? Not a problem...

For the past several years, each spring we have used the Dryject sand injection process on the greens.  As we've previously discussed, this unique piece of equipment allows us to place a large volume of sand at a deeper level in the soil profile than is possible with a conventional core aerifier.

To date, one of the constraints with Dryject was the need for the sand to be very dry to flow through the machine.  However, the company has now engineered a new sand hopper design which will allow moist sand to be used, and we were among the first to see it in action.

If you aren't in the business of managing fine turf, this may not seem like a big deal, but there are parts of the country where purchasing kiln dried sand is difficult, if not impossible.  Additionally, for those of us who purchase dry sand, keeping it completely dry is often a challenge.  (It's been known to rain on us during aerification...)

We always enjoy providing our nursery as a testing ground for John Paddock and the Dryject team.  The ability to use damp sand has the potential to be a game-changer, and dramatically increase the number of golf courses who can take advantage of this extremely beneficial process.

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