Tuesday, February 11, 2025

An actual winter?

It's been a few years since we have had a memorable winter, but 2025 sure started off with some bone-chilling temperatures.  Keep in mind that January is already the coldest month, and this year we averaged almost four degrees below normal for the entire month.  

As you can see above, we only had 11 out of 31 days that were above average, and 20 that were below average.  However, despite the cold and some snow, we were actually well below normal in precipitation, with only 1/2" for the month.

You know it's cold when the local residents start showing up at the front door, looking for handouts:

While these conditions will likely have little long-term impact on the golf course, there are a number of projects we need to get working on.  Hopefully February will allow us to get caught up, and perhaps provide a few good days of golf!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Doing what can be done...

January's frigid temperatures have put a damper on our winter projects.  However we continue to work on whatever we can each day.  

Due to the challenging access, we knew that repaving of the cart path on the fairway side of #2 and #12 would require firm conditions to avoid significant turf damage.  Well, January definitely gave us some solid soil to travel across, so we took advantage of it. 

These cold conditions may be good in some ways, however they're definitely a double-edged sword for the paving contractor.  The hot new asphalt is brought to the street behind #12 green, then transferred to the "dumper" which hauls the material to the work area for installation by the paving machine and rolling.  The tricky part is getting this whole process completed before the asphalt cools off!