We opened the Clubhouse putting green this week, just under eight months after it was seeded last fall. Looking back at the green in December, it has made great strides. Since seeding, this green has obviously been managed differently than those on the course, and is currently down to a 1/8" height of cut. By comparison, the greens on the course are mowed at 1/10". Additionally, we increased fertility on the green to get it to fill in over the winter, leading to what is now a more course-textured leaf blade.
By combining one of the top performing Bentgrass varieties with Pa-33, Poa annua seed, the end result will be a putting green which closely matches the 34 year old greens on the golf course. However, it would be unrealistic to expect an eight month old green--whether seeded or sodded--to perform like 34 year old greens.
Unlike the seeded Clubhouse green, the putting green at the practice area is being cut at the same 1/10" height (and with the same mowers), as the greens on the course. While this green was sodded, it is still an infant, having been transplanted onto a new growing medium last fall. Even when maintained the same as the greens on the course, it will take a full year (until this fall) for it to roll exactly as #1-18 do.