For the past several years, we have supplied the golf carts with a dry sand and peat mix for filling divots. While this product flows easily from the divot bottles, and works well in the summer, when the Creeping Bentgrass in the tees and fairways is growing, it is not the best option in cooler weather. Truthfully, a divot taken now and filled with the green sand will likely be visible until late next spring.
In order to improve divot recovery, moving forward, we will be providing a damp mix on the cart. This contains seed and fertilizer which will help to decrease recovery time. However, with this mix being moist, it tends to become clogged in the narrow-necked bottles, so we are asking you to grab the scoop instead.
Please keep in mind that while the new moist mix will work better than the dry sand, this still should not be your go-to after taking a divot. At this time of year, we strongly encourage players to replace their divots whenever possible. Below we have rated divot recovery on a scale of 1 to 10. With a rating of "5" the damp mix is definitely better than the green sand, however neither comes close to the recovery seen in the two replaced divots. So please, take the time to walk a few steps, retrieve that strip of sod, and return it to its happy home.
Of course any of the above receives a higher mark than the head-scratcher shown below. Clearly this would have been a great opportunity to replace a divot (or two). On a scale of 1 to 10, this example is off the charts--and not in a good direction:
Lastly, if you're a player who often emptied several bottles (of divot mix) during your round, have no fear. You can reload your saddlebag at #2, 8, 12 and 13 tees.
Those players behind you--today, tomorrow, next week, and next month--will appreciate your help in keeping the course in good condition!