Tuesday, June 23, 2020

It works!

Since the course was built 30 years ago, we have worked hard to keep the fairways "Poa-less."  The primary tool we used is a selective herbicide which is applied in the late fall.  However, over the past few years, this material seems to be losing its punch in taking out the Poa.

Recently we have tried some other tricks, such as making an additional pre-emergent herbicide application in the late summer, in order to prevent Poa from germinating.

Despite these measures, we are seeing a small uptick in the percentage of Poa in the fairways.  Fortunately, a new product recently received registration for use: PoaCure

The protocol for this product is two spring applications, and two fall applications.  We have completed the two spring apps, and the great news is that this product really lives up to its name.

The Poa on #10 fairway is slowly melting away.

The challenge now, as we enter the heat of the summer, is to try and encourage the Bentgrass to fill any voids left by the declining Poa.

Over the years, people have asked if it is possible to keep Poa from eventually taking over a Bentgrass putting green.  The answer is that, to date, few people have been successful in achieving this goal.  However, with PoaCure now in the tool box, it certainly looks like it might be much easier to ward off Poa encroachment.

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