Sunday, September 15, 2019

Slamming Sedge and Crushing Kyllinga

September is always a challenging month, with lots of activity on the golf course, and a slightly decreased staff size, as some summer help returns to school.  We have been trying to play catch-up on weed control and are now focusing on two weeds which have become a real nuisance over the past several years:  Yellow Nutsedge and Green Kyllinga.

In home lawns, Nutsedge growth will easily outpace the grass, and creates an uneven appearance in the lawn just days after a mowing.  Even in the Fescue, Nutsedge rises above the long grass.
Yellow Nutsedge in the Fescue.

Green Kyllinga has a somewhat different growth habit.  In contrast to Nutsedge, Kyllinga forms a dense mat, and can easily persist at a range of mowing heights, down to collar height or lower.
Green Kyllinga is green no more, after treatment.

In the past, we would often spot spray these weeds.  However, the results were not great, as any areas we missed would quickly become evident.  This led to the old "chasing your tail" feeling, as we had to make repeated applications.

Because of this, we are now taking more of a "blanket" or "wall to wall" approach in treating for these weeds.  While the time spent, and cost of this may initially be higher, the results will be much better, and we will be able to focus on other tasks.

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