Sunday, January 13, 2019

What do you do in the winter?

Without fail, we are asked this question every year.  There is actually a long list of projects we tackle when the grass isn't growing.  Often this includes pruning the wetlands crossings, bridge maintenance, drainage installation, sodding, irrigation repair, and myriad other tasks.

This "off-season" we have a number of maintenance items we will be working on involving the tennis courts.  Over the years, clay from the courts builds up around the perimeter, impeding proper drainage.  Recently, the guys worked on the river stone beds between courts #1 and 2.  The river stone was raked up, hauled away, and washed.  Excess material was then removed to lower the grade, and allow the water to run freely off the courts.  Lastly, the stone was replaced.
No doubt this is hard work, but it will keep you warm on a cold winter day.

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