...then "I" is for inconsistent. The late November greens aerification took place last week, and as always, we were at the mercy of Mother Nature. Monday brought some blue skies and great conditions for the first step of the process, which involved applying sand topdressing and solid tine aerifying the greens.
However, conditions were dramatically different on Tuesday, when we had to deal with morning showers. By the time the rain stopped, we had received 1/3", which was enough to make the second phase of the operation quite challenging.
The aerifiers were fine under these damp conditions, but the cleanup crew had to be very careful when trying to remove the cores. This is the first time we felt the need to place plywood in order to prevent damage from the core harvesters. The moisture also caused the topdressing sand to "bridge," or cover the aerification holes without actually falling into them, and filling them up.
So while the aerification we performed was actually quite consistent, the ever-changing weather lead to varied conditions on the greens--some having many open holes and others appearing to need no additional sand.
More rain on Thanksgiving helped to move some of the sand down into the holes. We will be adding additional sand as needed this week, prior to covering the greens.